Simple Stories in Chinese podcast

4. The Boy Who Cried Wolf - 狼来了 láng lái le

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Hi, nihao!

I'm Mabel who is an online Chinese Tutor.

Welcome to my Simple Stories in Chinese podcast, a podcast where I narrate short/simple stories with a mix of Chinese and English. These are great for beginners and can help intermediate Chinese students improve too.

You can also check out this on my YOUTUBE Channel.

I created this podcast because, after being asked by my students for podcasts to help them learn Chinese, I realized that there aren't all that many. So, I created my own. 

Below is a running list of all the podcast episodes. I hope you enjoy it!

Season 1 is the most famous story from all over the world!

Today, let's journey into the countryside where a misbehaving boy taking care of his flock of sheep. Little did he know, his actions would teach him a valuable lesson about honesty and trust.

it’s one of the famous stories —  "The Boy Who Cried Wolf"  - 狼🐺来了 (direct translation is “The wolf is coming!”)

You can also follow me on Spotify and Apple podcasts for the audio.

And you can find more information on my website:

Thank you for watching!

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