Shobdo Golpo podcast

Hirer Neckless by Syed Mustafa Siraj (Colonel Series)

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Shobdo Golpo Bangla presents Syed Mustafa Siraj's Colonel in Hirer nekhless ( হীরের নেকলেস - সৈয়দ মুস্তাফা সিরাজ) Voice Artist: Rakibul Iqbal Jisan, Zehad Al Mehedi, Hassan Haidear Shuvo, Nahid Hasan, Mohona Khan and Yeasir Yunus Mixing: Ishtiaque Yunus Mastering and Sound Design: Yeasir Yunus

Shobdo Golpo brings you Bengali Audio Story and Fiction (Bangla Golpo বাংলা গল্প) with suspense, thriller, horror and mystery.

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