RPG Reanimators podcast

S1:E36 – The Burning Stars - Dissection with Matt Sanderson

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Episode Notes

In this episode, we meet with Good Friend Matt Sanderson to talk about his favorite Call of Cthulhu scenario The Burning Stars, written by David Conyers for Call of Cthulhu 6th edition. I describe this as "the most Call of Cthulhu-y-est scenario I have ever played" and for the first time, I'll recommend to anyone who has not already read or played this scenario to carefully consider if they want to spoil themselves on it by listening here, as it has a really fantastic twist that needs to come through at the table.

You can purchase a PDF of the Terrors from Beyond collection which contains this scenario from Chaosium here: https://www.chaosium.com/terrors-from-beyond-pdf/

After this recording, we also got permission from Thom Raley of Into the Darkness to share the fantastic updated handouts that he hasmade for this scenario, which you can find in our Google Drive here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1IRMWBjHWd0ISXjiywCPKcca3fPpdEafP?usp=sharing

All music and sound effects were made using attribution-free creative commons resources.

This podcast is powered by Pinecast.

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