RMD Open Podcast podcast

Improving the peer review skills of young researchers in rheumatology

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What is peer-review and why is important? EMEUNET, the Emerging EULAR (European League Against Rheumatism) Network, organises a training program in collaboration with the EULAR journals to improve peer review skills of young researchers. Want to know more? Listen to the conversation between Dr Aurélie Najm (Nantes University Hospital, France) and Dr Javier Rodriìguez-Carrio (Universidad de Oviedo, Spain), first author of “Improving the peer review skills of young rheumatologists and researchers in rheumatology: the EMEUNET Peer Review Mentoring Program”, published by the members of the EMEUNET Peer Mentoring subgroup. Read the full article on the RMD Open website: https://rmdopen.bmj.com/content/4/1/e000619

Learn more about EMEUNET here: https://emeunet.eular.org

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