Regulated & Relational podcast

Ep 57 - Creating a Regulating Classroom Environment

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In this episode, the studio is full.  Julie and Ginger have Jen Alexander and Anna Paravano as guests. Jen Alexander is a veteran educator, counselor, and long-time ATN friend. She is a passionate leader in the building of trauma-sensitive schools. Anna Paravano is also a long-time ATN friend and previous board member.  Anna’s background is in interior design. She is a professional interior designer with over 40 years of experience, and she teaches at the college level. They are both moms to children with developmental trauma. 

These two ladies united to create a quick guide on how to create a safe and supportive physical environment using a trauma-informed lens.  This guide can be purchased by going to ATN’s bookshop at

The guide offers practical advice linked to what we can do right now, right here, to support students and adults.  We must emember that good design is different for children than it is for adults. Children see their environment from another lens.  Jen says, “Design is about how we use the space and interact in the space,” so, listen in to hear Jen and Anna talk about how décor looks in a trauma-sensitive design.

To learn more about these two ladies, go to or

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