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For the first Green Flags challenge, PUMA surprises Maya, Oli, and Moses by asking them to crunch the numbers on their daily greenhouse gas emissions. Spoiler alert: the results might just make you rethink your morning routine!

With help from Luke Jacque-Rodney—one of PUMA’s Voices of a RE:GENERATION—the hosts begin to uncover the real impact of their everyday choices on the planet. Along the way, they also explore the steps PUMA has already taken to reduce its own greenhouse gas emissions.

Ever wondered how much greenhouse gas two poached eggs are responsible for? Or whether taking the train is greener than riding in an electric car?

If you’re curious (or clueless!), join Maya, Oli, and Mo as they find out the answers to these questions and plenty more. Plus, get ready to pick up some easy tips and tricks to make sure you’re flying your own Green Flag and not a climate red flag.

Because there’s only one Forever… let’s make it Better.

Green Flags is a FOREVER.BETTER podcast, brought to you by PUMA. Produced by Mags Creative and MSL.

Have you made any small changes to reduce your greenhouse gas emissions? We want to hear about them! Share your actions on social media using the hashtag #PUMAGREENFLAGS.

We used the following data and sources in this episode

PUMA’s 2023 Sustainability report 

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