Pub Dates podcast

FYREBIRDS Spoiler Chat

Reculer de 15 secondes
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In which Kate swans in from maternity leave to answer ALL of readers' burning questions about everything that goes down in FYREBIRDS. It's a very spoilery good time.

We'll be back very soon for THE HEART OF THE WORLD's spoiler episode, so make sure to send us ALL your questions at [email protected] or a voicemail at 

Make sure you're subscribed to the Pub Dates newsletter that publishes each time a new episode drops: it's always full of fun extras. Sign up for our individual newsletters at Amie and Kate's websites.

You can now buy both The Isles of the Gods and Nightbirds - AND Fyrebirds and The Heart of the World - wherever good books are sold. Series completists, rejoice!

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