Proles Pod podcast

Ep 75 - The Stalin Eras: Part 4.5 Narrative (1943-1953)

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In this final narrative of "The Stalin Eras”, we detail Joseph Stalin’s life within the context of Soviet history through the years 1943-1953.

This narrative, titled “Long Live Comrade Stalin!" covers viscerally the experience of the Soviet people during the Great Patriotic War as well as the key ingredients to their victory, the early days of the cold war, and Stalin's final years. 

The Stalin Eras, inspired by the classic RevLeft Radio episode “Stalin: A Marxist-Leninist Perspective,  mixes both narrative history (ala Blowback) and discussion (like classic Prolespod) to provide the most comprehensive English overview of the life and impact of Soviet leader Joseph Stalin in podcast format.

Whether you’re a socialist history enthusiast, someone who’s just curious to learn more than what you got in school about the Soviet Union, or even a total hater who just wants to rage, this series has something for everyone. 

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Recommended Supplemental Listening

East Germany: Stasi State or Socialist Paradise? w/Bruni de la Motte

The Rise of, Life In, and Fall of the German Democratic Republic

The Subversion of East Germany (1945-1961)

The American Soldier Who Defected to East Germany (Part 1) w/ Victor Grossman

The Czechoslovak Socialist Republic (1948-1990) w/ Julia Mead

Critiquing Stalin's Black Legend w/ Henry Hakamäki & Salvatore Engel-Di Mauro

Class Based Affirmative Action in Socialist Poland w/ Agata Zysiak

 Latvian Soviet Socialist Republic 101: Pre-history to World War II w/ Iskolat

Was the Soviet Union Totalitarian w/ Robert Thurston

Understanding Siege Socialim w/ Gabriel Rockhill 

Latvia's Red Partisans of World War II

Romania and Ceaușescu

Stalin Was a Mensch - A Look at the "Antisemitism" of the USSR


Recommended Supplemental Reading

Western Marxism: How it was Born, How it Died, How it can be Reborn by Domenico Losurdo 

For a Few Canards More: Counter Inquiry on Stalin and the Soviet Union by Aymeric Monville



Stalin's Wars: From World War to Cold War, 1939-1953 by Geoffrey Roberts

Stalin: History and Critique of a Black Legend by Domenico Losurdo

The Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union, 1941-45: A Documentary Reader by Alexander Hill

World War II: Myths and the Realities by Oleg Rzheshevsky

The Soviets Expected It by Anna Louise Strong

Stalin: From the Caucasus to the Kremlin by Christopher Read


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