Off Trail podcast

Who is Cal - What is the TransContinental Run?

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Welcome back to the Off Trail Podcast, and welcome back Cal!

We spoke to Cal last as he was on the way to becoming the first Transgender person to finish the Calendar Year Triple Crown!

First things first, we begin the show with a congratulations, and then begin to learn what Cal has been up to since then. They have not been idle... to say the least. After accomplishing a goal few already achieve, they set their sights on something outside of our knowledge and depths, the sport of long distance running.

Not only are they doing a long distance run, but they are specifically created this route to go through the "battleground states" of the deep south where Transgender rights are the most at risk. Creating their own route from California to Florida, we catch up with them in the state of Texas and begin a deep dive into their journey.

We chat a dream that started in middle school, a homecoming of self while running through rural America, and the freedom of movement in body and mind. We talk about judgment and prejudice and the spreading of awareness. We go into the difference of movement in a high intensity sport of running compared to hiking, not physically, but mentally the journey it becomes.

We dive into one of our favorite words as Cal says it first, connection. Connection in solitude as they spent countless miles just themselves and a road, and through solitude in the physical sense, finding deeper connections within themselves, and directly correlated being able to find deeper connections in their friendships, relationships, and moments with others. We chat about the favorite way to spend time with the adult they are as well as their inner child.

We then unpack the route itself. Traveling through California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Louisiana, Alabama, and finally Florida. We touch on the filming of a feature length documentary showcasing the Trans-Joy they wish to spread. We dive deeper into the reality of the run, and the question Cal returns to when travelling through these states, "how can I be of service?"

We chat supporting the communities that Cal runs through, and listening to the needs shared. We chat multiple fundraisers and staying up to date with Cal's journey to be able to continue to support the causes they find. We chat running to make a better world.

We chat the choice behind creating this route, the message they are wishing to share, and getting to know people through love and respect. We discuss the "weight" of such a physical and mental goal, and learn that for Cal it is no weight at all, but their very fuel that keeps them going. We chat about privilege turning into responsibility, and how when a single group is challenged it challenges everyone's freedom. It is not singular but affects the rights of everyone.

We discuss the finish point in Tallahassee, Florida and the significance of this physical end point. We get lost in Cal's what they call "cool down lap" of just a "few" extra 700 miles at the end of this journey. We chat the simplicity of being a person, and that everyone no matter who you are, has individual wants and desires, that is what it means to be human.

We apologize here about the coffee noise in the background, which is now 2/2 when chatting with Cal. Hopefully if we have the opportunity a 3rd time to catch up with them, you can guarantee there will be some sort of coffee shop noise in the background.

Another great chat, always a privilege and joy to speak with Cal.

To learn more about Cal and the TransContinental Run click below:

Instagram: @cal_hikes *You should be able to access all the most up-to-date fundraisers and information through the above platform

Patreon: @CalDobbs

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