Mindful NutriNut podcast

Healing Through Sound: The Potent Benefits of Chanting Sa Re Sa Sa

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Join me for a fascinating journey into the power and mystery of mantras. We talk about the benefits and mechanisms of mantra chanting, highlighting the transformative 'Sa Re Sa Sa' mantra. We'll explore its lyrics, the profound meaning behind each word, and its various benefits. Adding a personal touch, I also share my own experience with this mantra and how it has had a positive impact. We also touch on the intriguing practice of Kechari Mudra and the enigmatic substance of Amrit, both lesser-known aspects of yoga and meditation, yet immensely fascinating. At the end of this episode, I'll do a live 'Sa Re Sa Sa' mantra meditation that you can chant along and feel the benefits yourself.

On YouTube https://bit.ly/sa-re-sa-sa-yt

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  • Low Glycemic Diet Guide
  • Guide to Transitioning to Whole Food Plant-Based Diet
  • How to Build Balanced and Nutritious Bowls
  • Guide to Low FODMAP Diet + Low FODMAP Bowls
  • Guide to Oil-Free Salad Dressings
  • Guide to Candida Overgrowth

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Yours in health,


0:00 Today’s topics

01:02 The mechanisms behind chanting mantras

3:17 Kechari Mudra and amrit

7:43 Benefits of mantras continue

11:00 The word mantra meaning

12:09 Sa Re Sa Sa mantra explained

15:07 The benefits of Sa Re Sa Sa

16:48 How to chant Sa Re Sa Sa

22:35 Sa Re Sa Sa mantra chanting

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