Lusus podcast

1. Doppelgänger

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Noa (Patsy Ferran) a young Gen Z Urbanite, suffers from continual FOMO. There is always someone somewhere doing something better than the choice she has made. When trying to keep a birthday arrangement with her mum and sister and attend a fun night out with successful friends, her wish to be in two places at the same time turns deadly.


Episode 1 No - Patsy Ferran Jen - Susannah Fielding Mindfulness Narrator - Caroline Faber Ash - Lainey Lipson Evie - Karima McAdams Club Hostess - Nantaara Jafri Smoker - Jacob Jackson Mum - Sara Jackson Taxi Driver - Avril Poole Bus Driver/Drunk - Paul Fulberg Kevin - Henry Newton


Production Company - Clarence Beeks Co-Creator/Writer - Samantha Newton Co-Creator/Director - Rachel Zisser Executive Producer - Sara Johnson Executive Producer - Daniel M Jackson Producer - Hannah Charman, Sister Music Casting Director - Sophie Kingston-Smith Casting Assistant - Lainey Lipson Composer - Na’ama Zisser Vocalists - Tomer Damsky, Aya Gavriel, Ron Sheskin, Quantum Choir Sound engineer - Laura Blake Sound engineer - Charlie Braham Sound engineer - Gareth Wood Sound Recording - The Sound Company Vocalist Recording - Marco Milevski, Mazkeka Studio Sound Design - King Lear Music & Sound Lead Sound Designer - Dugal Macdiarmid Asst Sound Designer - Ned Sisson Asst Sound Designer - Lauren Cooper

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