He's Podcast podcast

#18 Lockdown Podcast Hangout with Melbourne-based Expat Comedians: Abbie Richards, Mare Whittaker and Olga Loitsenko 疫情之下单口相声演员:留守墨尔本的外国段子手们

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What witty banter and juicy stories do you expect when you have a roomful of comedians sharing their journey, struggles and anecdotes?

What are comedians doing during the lock-down to stop ourselves banging our heads against the wall?

What are comedians' comedian and their favourite jokes?

 Curious or just bored? Loosen up, hold your class, enjoy this interesting podcast interview with Abbie(American), Maren(French) and Olga(Estonian). /// You can find Abbie on Twitter: abbieasr and Instagram @abbiesr Maren on Instagram @maren.whitt Olga on Instgram @olgaloitsenko Stay Safe HH Sponsorships: on for this episode

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