Heard it on The Coffeevine podcast

3 - Regenerative agriculture in coffee production with Lennart Clerkx and A…

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It's no secret that our planet is suffering from climate change, industrialisation and over-consumption. Agriculture is one of the hardest hit sectors and things are probably going to get much worse before they can get better. To bring their operations somewhat in line with nature, some farmers have switched to organic farming methods but is this going far enough? In recent years, regenerative agriculture has become a buzzword and offers a glimpse of hope for people in lands that have been eroded and depleted by bad practices. With my special guests Lennart Clerkx, founder of This Side Up, a boutique coffee importing business and Adri Yahdiyan, co-founder of Indonesian coffee processor and exporter Ontosoroh Coffee, I discuss regenerative agriculture in coffee production, a pilot that was done on the island of Flores and what we as consumers can do to better understand the plight of farmers around the world.

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