Exponential Minds Podcast with Chief Futurist Nikolas Badminton podcast

S5: Ep 1 - Dr. Joseph Voros speaks about preposterous futures and civilization-level foresight

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Joseph is a Scanner, Analyst, Researcher, Educator, Facilitator, Consultant. He has been a professional futurist for over two decades, he holds a PhD in theoretical physics and in his early career he spent several years in internet-related companies, including a stint at the legendary Netscape in Silicon Valley, California, in the late-1990s.

Joseph has a strong belief in the need for both rigorous intellectual discipline as well as practical pragmatic utility in ‘real world’ contexts, and this belief lies at the heart of his approach to Futures Studies and strategic foresight.

See more of Joseph’s thoughts at www.thevoroscope.com

See more of Nikolas’ insights at www.nikolasbadminton.com

See the Futurist Think Tank at www.futurist.com/think-tank

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