Cultureverse podcast

The Wise Fool

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In this episode of our cultural adventure series, Juan visits his family in Puerto Rico and loses a very valuable watch in this homage to the classic Puerto Rican folk character: Juan Bobo.

This story is inspired by Juan Bobo, a Puerto Rican folk character. In Spanish, bobo means “fool,” and Juan Bobo is a jíbaro -which means “farmer.” He’s known for always getting into sticky situations, but in the end, Juan’s choices always show he is much wiser than expected.

This podcast was produced by Studio Ochenta for TRAX on PRX. Juan was voiced by Claudio Venancio. Alberto was voiced by Víctor Emmanuelle Ramos. Aunt Linda was voiced by Alondra Llompart. Carmen was voiced by Natasha Yannacañedo. Don León was voiced by Israel Tanenbaum. Special thanks to our Cultureverse editorial team for this episode: America Lugo, Amanda Cruz, and Charlotte Álvarez, who brought their Puerto Rican experiences to this story.

Transcripts and additional resources to learn more about Puerto Rican folklore are available at

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