The 6-Figure Bridal Beauty Pro Podcast with Brianna Michelle podcast

How this "mom" went from $5K mths to $15K-$20K mths in 90 days

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The program works! Ive made back my investment 10 fold!"🚀

Since August 1...

She was able to turn her investment into over $35K in bridal bookings.

Most are deposits ONLY!

She hit a record breaking $20K for September.

She started Your 6-Figure Bridal Business Mini Mind 3 months ago.

She's projected a 6 figure year for 2025 without working 7 days a week.

Without having to spend hours on Instagram to get her reels to go viral and having a ton of engagement.

But "how"?

➡️ She learned , inside the program, how to position herself as the #1 go-to expert in her city which allowed her to convert inquiries into bookings and stop leaving thousands of dollars of inquiries on the table.

Grab my Inquiry to Booked Training & Template for $33. Stop getting ghosted & start getting paid:

$500 off Your 6-Figure Bridal Business Mini Mastermind for a limited time ⬇️

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