The AC Podcast podcast

211: How Leaders Can Role-Model Healthy Habits in the Workplace

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Bernadette Thomas, a coach specializing in wellbeing in the workplace, joins our host, Simone Sweeney, to discuss the importance of leaders modelling self-care and empathy, cultivating emotional intelligence, and managing stress to create supportive environments. Bernadette explains the challenges of isolation for leaders and highlights the significance of social connections and community in enhancing well-being. The conversation also addresses the challenges of menopause in the workplace and the need for awareness and support. Practical advice includes setting achievable well-being goals and the need for open communication and creating safe spaces for discussing well-being and issues that may arise.


You will learn:


·       Strategies for leaders to model self-care and foster a culture of well-being

·       The impact of stress on leadership effectiveness and team dynamics

·       Why prioritizing well-being for leaders and their teams is vital for an effective and supportive work environment


“Being empathetic, being a compassionate leader, being your authentic self, and role modelling what you do to look after yourself are crucial behaviours for a leader.”


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