Cannabis Insider podcast

How Cannabis Has Impacted Lucky Yates' Life

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In this hilarious episode of Benzinga's Cannabis Insider, Lucky Yates, the voice of Dr. Krieger on Archer, joins the hosts to talk about his latest venture in the cannabis world. Lucky has teamed up with Grasshopper Farms to launch exclusive cannabis strains. He shares his journey with cannabis and how it has impacted his life. The conversation also touches on the cannabis industry in Michigan and the need for legalization across the country. Favorite Quotes from this interview: "Grasshopper Farms will bring you the finest products that will make you laugh until you uncontrollably sob and perhaps urinate and defecate yourself." "Cannabis is nature's Valentine to us, and we should just embrace it as you do your favorite Valentine from your favorite love from the favorite time in your life." _______________________________________________________________________ Featured Guest(s): Lucky Yates - American Voice Actor, Cannabis Enthusiast Grasshopper Farms + Lucky Yates' strains Meet The Host(s): Patricio Liddle, Cannabis Writer - Benzinga Abbey Higginbotham, Cannabis Writer - Benzinga __________________________________________________________________ 📰 Sign Up for Our Newsletter! 📮 __________________________________________________________________ Disclaimer: All of the information, material, and/or content contained in this program is for informational purposes only. Investing in stocks, options, and futures is risky and not suitable for all investors. Please consult your own independent financial adviser before making any investment decisions. #CannabisInsider #luckyyates #cannabis #strains #archer

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