A Blythe Coach podcast

096: Favorites & Highlights from 2022 - Reading, Listening, & Viewing Pleasures

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2022 was a tumultuous year for me personally and for all of us globally. I lost a beloved uncle and great-aunt, recovered from COVID, and watched as war broke out between Russia and the Ukraine, with unrest and natural disaster in other parts of the world as well. We all faced our own struggles.

I was privileged to also enjoy a mostly peaceful and creative life, and learned through new experiences and encounters a variety of media.

Personal highlights included outstanding live dance performances, in particular a new work from The Royal Ballet, “Like Water for Chocolate,” and a classic from Pina Bausch, “Orpheus und Eurydike.” My in-studio students had the opportunity to perform in an abbreviated “Swan Lake” and participate in an exam, I practiced yoga and ballet together with devoted students online and in-studio, and released a signature coaching program.

The ability to travel home to Hawai’i as well as to the UK and on regional getaways, time with family, friends, and my love were also memories that I am deeply grateful for.

Perhaps you’d also be interested in some of my favorite sources of inspiration, education, and entertainment from the year past. Some were newly-released over the course of 2022, others were simply new-to-me and recommendable. Even if no one else cares what I liked, this should be a fun reference for future me to see what I was into back in 2022 😉

I would love to hear what you especially got benefit or enjoyment from in the last 12 months, and if you’ve heard of or enjoyed anything from my list as well. Let me know on Instagram @ablythecoach or by email, I am always looking for positive and inspiring inputs.

For the full text/show notes for this audio, here is the accompanying blog article

Questions for Reflection

  • What is on your “to be read” list this season?
  • Which media sources do you find most enriching?
  • What do you want to learn?
  • What makes you curious?
  • What creations will you make and share?

I would be delighted to hear from you via email or on Instagram @ablythecoach

Blythe Stephens, MFA, Bliss Catalyst
they/them or she/her
Creator of  A Blythe Coach : dance through your difficulties
and take leaps of faith into a joyful, fulfilling life

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