9 Lives podcast

S3E05. Rewire bingeing & food noise - Letting go of perfectionism

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Hi friends! Our audio quality has now been resolved! Thank you for your patience as the studio fixed the issue. This week we are discussing the complex and very nuanced journey of moving past bingeing, food noise and secret eating. I hope this episode can be of comfort to anyone out there struggling with their relationship with food. There is joy and freedom to be found in our friendship with food!

Please note - I am not a dietitian and therefore cannot offer prescriptive advice . I am however, a coach and a human who struggled with BED for 10 years, so I do my best to give anecdotal tips. If you are struggling with any of these issues please speak with your doctor.

Until next week,

with love and strength,




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(03:44) My own food story

(10:20) Understanding food noise and overeating

(13:40) Perfectionism

(18:22) Why we overeat

(28:14) Quieting the noise and finding freedom

(38:32) Actionable steps to move forward

(45:06) The brain’s role in binge eating

(47:08) Rewiring the brain

(49:30) Practical tips backed by science

(54:01) ”Wild Geese” by Mary Oliver

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