360° Scale | E-commerce Scaling Secrets | Kandy For Scale podcast

From $0 to $500K/month as an E-commerce brand - Aistis Matulaitis & Daniel Bidmon @ 360 Scale by Kandy - Episode #8

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Daniel also used to think that marketing is just a few clicks in Ads Manager. But now, a few failed e-commerce projects later, he hosts the largest German speaking e-commerce podcast Ecom Secrets, helping thousands to avoid the mistakes he made. 

Meet the guest 🎙 

Daniel Bidmon is the founder of Ecom House, host of the Ecom Secrets podcast and a Forbes Council Member. Together with his team they help scale businesses to 8 figures using proven methods that you can now legally steal by listening to this episode 😉

Get to know him - https://bit.ly/3AoYxZp

This episode of 360 Scale is brought to you by Kandy 🍭 

Kandy is one of the few performance-focused agencies that combines sweet in-house creatives with proven profitable strategies into a repeatable e-commerce accelerator 🚀

Meet 360 Scale – kandyforscale.com/360scale

About Kandy – kandyforscale.com

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