Inspire Mandarin podcast

S1E29 How is Kaohsiung and where to visit!

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In this episode, I interviewed Jason, a Taiwanese student who studies in Kaohsiung City. Hear what are the must-knows, and visit places in Kaohsiung!


Words for today:

高雄 Kaohsiung

研究所 graduate School

念書 study

天氣 weather

飲食 diet

偏甜 sweeter

調味料 seasoning

地區 region

知名景點 well-known attractions

高鐵 high-speed rail

造景 landscaping

地標 landmark

吸引人 attractive

環境優美 beautiful environment

燈光 lights

散步 take a walk

渡輪 ferry

跨年活動 New Year's Eve activities

搭船 take a boat

商圈 shopping district

購物 shopping

交通 traffic

依賴 rely on

輕軌 light Rail

密集 dense

藝術展 art exhibition

塗鴉 graffiti

街頭藝術 street art

轉運站 transfer station

攝影 photography

遊樂園 amusement park


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