Model United Nations Podcast by Best Delegate podcast

Santa Margarita Catholic High School: How Their Model UN Program Leaves a Lasting Impact on Students (John Remmell, Part 2)

15 Sekunden vorwärts
15 Sekunden vorwärts

In this episode, Ryan continues his interview with John Remmell (@munsm), the MUN Director at Santa Margarita Catholic High School. Ryan and John talk about SOCOMUN, Santa Margarita's one-day MUN conference every September that is attended by 1,400+ students a year. SOCOMUN is the first MUN conference of the year -- and their first MUN conference, period -- for many students in Southern California.

Ryan also asks John why he continues to be an MUN Advisor, after 26 years. John shares some of his favorite stories about students who've been through Santa Margarita's MUN program, and the lasting impact that MUN has left on them years later.


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