Model United Nations Podcast by Best Delegate podcast

Everybody Loves NAIMUN: How Model UN Got Georgina into Georgetown (Geo, Part 1)

15 Sekunden vorwärts
15 Sekunden vorwärts

Georgina Kenchington, affectionately known by her students as "Geo," is a 26-year old from New York City who has participated in Model UN for over 12 years. She graduated from Georgetown University, where she was Head Delegate. She's currently studying international education at New York University. And she's a Mentor for Best Delegate's Model United Nations Institute.

In this episode, Ryan asks Geo how she got started in Model UN, and why MUN is the reason she attended Georgetown University. She attended Georgetown's high school Model UN conference, NAIMUN, which is how she first learned about the university. Making friends with NAIMUN chairs and staffers is what made her believe that Georgetown was the right school for her. Geo wrote about Model UN and international relations in her college application and personal essays. She would go on to attend Georgetown and lead their Model UN program.

If you're curious about how Model UN helps students get into college, this is a great episode for finding out how!


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