FluentFiction - Croatian podcast

Trust and Survival: Navigating Post-Apocalyptic Zagreb

15 Sekunden vorwärts
15 Sekunden vorwärts
Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Trust and Survival: Navigating Post-Apocalyptic Zagreb
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Story Transcript:

Hr: Snijeg je padao nemilosrdno.
En: The snow was falling mercilessly.

Hr: Zagreb, nekad živahan grad, sada je bio pokriven bijelim pokrivačem.
En: Zagreb, once a lively city, was now covered with a white blanket.

Hr: Ostatci nekad grandioznih zgrada sada su bili samo hladne ruševine.
En: The remains of once grand buildings were now just cold ruins.

Hr: Ostaci božićnih lampica ležali su ispod hrpa snijega, svjedočivši o prošlim sretnim vremenima.
En: Remnants of Christmas lights lay beneath piles of snow, bearing witness to happier times past.

Hr: Ivana, Boris i Matej gazili su kroz ovaj snježni pokrivač. Tražili su sklonište za dolazeću oluju.
En: Ivana, Boris, and Matej trudged through this snowy cover, searching for shelter from the coming storm.

Hr: Ivana je vodila svog mlađeg brata Mateja kroz hladne ulice.
En: Ivana led her younger brother, Matej, through the cold streets.

Hr: Boris, njihov vodič, šutljivo je hodao s njima.
En: Boris, their guide, walked silently with them.

Hr: Ivana je znala da Boris nije sasvim iskren.
En: Ivana knew that Boris wasn't completely honest.

Hr: Njegove oči uvijek su govorile više od njegovih riječi.
En: His eyes always spoke more than his words.

Hr: No, trebala ga je.
En: But she needed him.

Hr: Poznavao je grad bolje nego itko drugi.
En: He knew the city better than anyone else.

Hr: Prošlost joj je bila teška.
En: The past was hard on her.

Hr: Uspomene na obitelj koju je izgubila bile su poput sjene, pratili su je na svakom koraku.
En: Memories of the family she had lost were like shadows, following her every step.

Hr: Ali sada je morala misliti na Mateja.
En: But now she had to think of Matej.

Hr: Njegova budućnost bila je njena odgovornost.
En: His future was her responsibility.

Hr: "Hoćemo li stići na vrijeme?" upitao je Matej.
En: "Will we make it on time?" Matej asked.

Hr: Njegova nada bila je nevjerojatna u ovim vremenima.
En: His hope was incredible in these times.

Hr: Ivana mu se osmjehnula, iako je bila zabrinuta.
En: Ivana smiled at him, although she was worried.

Hr: "Da, braco.
En: "Yes, little brother.

Hr: Naći ćemo sklonište," rekla je, iako nije bila posve sigurna.
En: We will find shelter," she said, even though she wasn't entirely sure.

Hr: Boris ih je iznenada odveo s uobičajenog puta.
En: Boris suddenly led them off the usual path.

Hr: "Zašto ovamo?" upitala je Ivana, sumnjajući u njegovo vodstvo.
En: "Why this way?" asked Ivana, doubting his guidance.

Hr: "Kraći put," odgovorio je Boris bez okolišanja.
En: "Shortcut," replied Boris without hesitation.

Hr: Njegov ton nije ostavljao prostora za rasprave.
En: His tone left no room for arguments.

Hr: Snijeg je postajao sve gušći.
En: The snow was getting thicker.

Hr: Vjetar je zavijao između ruševina, hladan i nemilosrdan.
En: The wind howled among the ruins, cold and merciless.

Hr: Na kraju puta ugledali su staru, zahrđalu vrata.
En: At the end of the path, they saw an old, rusty gate.

Hr: „To je to!” uzviknuo je Boris.
En: "This is it!" shouted Boris.

Hr: Iza tih vrata bila je podzemna skrovište o kojoj su čuli.
En: Behind those gates was the underground shelter they had heard about.

Hr: Ali vrata su bila zaključana.
En: But the gate was locked.

Hr: Ivana je prepoznala paniku u Matejevim očima dok su udarali o željezna vrata.
En: Ivana recognized the panic in Matej's eyes as they pounded on the iron gate.

Hr: Onda je vidjela Borisa kako nešto skriva.
En: Then she saw Boris hiding something.

Hr: Ključ.
En: A key.

Hr: Imao je ključ.
En: He had the key.

Hr: "Zašto nisi rekao da imaš ključ?" upitala je Ivana oštro.
En: "Why didn't you say you had the key?" Ivana asked sharply.

Hr: Boris je oklijevao.
En: Boris hesitated.

Hr: "Htio sam pregovarati," priznao je.
En: "I wanted to negotiate," he admitted.

Hr: "Trebam vašu pomoć kad se ova oluja smiri."
En: "I need your help when this storm settles."

Hr: Ivana je razumjela.
En: Ivana understood.

Hr: Svijet u kojem su sada živjeli zahtijevao je takve dogovore.
En: The world they now lived in required such agreements.

Hr: Pruža ruku Boris, Ivana je uzela ključ.
En: Extending her hand to Boris, Ivana took the key.

Hr: Otvorila je vrata jer im je sklonište bila potrebna sada više nego ikad.
En: She opened the gate because they needed the shelter now more than ever.

Hr: Unutra je bilo hladno i mračno, ali sigurno.
En: Inside, it was cold and dark, but safe.

Hr: Skromno je namjestila kutak za Mateja.
En: She modestly set up a corner for Matej.

Hr: Dok su sjedili zajedno ispijajući rijetko topli čaj, Ivana je osjetila da njezina kaznena šutnja predstavlja novi početak povjerenja, iako krhkog.
En: As they sat together sipping what little warm tea they had, Ivana felt that her cautious silence marked a new beginning of trust, however fragile.

Hr: Taj Božić Ivana je shvatila važnost savezništva, čak i s ljudima koji nisu uvijek pouzdani.
En: That Christmas, Ivana realized the importance of alliances, even with people who aren't always reliable.

Hr: Za preživljavanje u ovom novom svijetu, trebala je pronaći ravnotežu između opreza i povjerenja.
En: To survive in this new world, she needed to find a balance between caution and trust.

Hr: Oluja je divljala vani, ali unutra su bili zajedno, pripravljeni se suočiti s izazovima koji slijede.
En: The storm raged outside, but inside they were together, ready to face the challenges ahead.

Vocabulary Words:
  • mercilessly: nemilosrdno
  • lively: živahan
  • remnants: ostatci
  • trudged: gazili
  • witness: svjedočiti
  • shelter: sklonište
  • guide: vodič
  • honest: iskren
  • responsibility: odgovornost
  • hesitation: oklijevanje
  • shortcut: kraći put
  • howled: zavijao
  • rusty: zahrđala
  • negotiating: pregovarati
  • agreements: dogovori
  • fragile: krhkog
  • alliances: savezništva
  • reliable: pouzdani
  • balance: ravnoteža
  • cautious: opreza
  • trust: povjerenje
  • storm: oluja
  • gate: vrata
  • challenging: izazovnog
  • hidden: skriva
  • locked: zaključana
  • modestly: skromno
  • pounding: udarati
  • underground: podzemna
  • responsibility: odgovornost

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