The Lucky Bitch Podcast podcast

3 Ways Money Blocks Are Killing Your Business

15 Sekunden vorwärts
15 Sekunden vorwärts

Hey, gorgeous lucky bee. Let's talk about money blocks, but specifically how money blocks might be killing your business right now. I know that sounds super serious and dramatic. But don't worry. I've got lots of solutions for you so you can get back on the money manifesting train.

So money blocker number one. Burnout and overwhelm. Now the first way that money blocks might be showing up for you and killing your business right now is really where you're freaking tired and overwhelmed, and you're burned out. It's really sad when women contact me and they're ready to chuck in their business because they're working so hard, they're trying to help people, but they just can't afford to keep it going. I know what that feels like. It makes you stressed out, resentful, and also completely burned out.

Now when you deal with your money blocks and actually allow yourself to charge beautifully for what you do, it's going to give you that emotional and physical bandwidth to create a whole bunch more stuff that can help a lot more people. But when you're burning yourself out, you have nothing extra to give. So let me give you an example.

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