Spirituality with Stephanie podcast


15 Sekunden vorwärts
15 Sekunden vorwärts

In this video I will go in depth on everything Project Stargate, the CIA’s psychic research program. We will touch on how and why I got into reading the CIA declassified documents (motive), my background prior to this (intent), a bit about the project itself (I already have a YouTube video up explaining the things it covers, check it out! I also go in depth on the documents themselves on my TikTok channel! There is a playlist where you can watch them all, and surprise, we are getting back into it! Let me know if you have any questions! I’d love to hear what you think! Thanks for checking it out 🥹♥️

Intro: 00:04

Why I got into the stargate files in the first place (motivation) 00:37

My background prior to this (intent & credibility) 3:28

The FOIA of it all: 6:00

What is Project Stargate, relevant people, my work thus far with it all 7:33

‘Official’ Project Stargate statement 15:46

Was it peer reviewed? 17:34

Narrative discrepancy 18:32

My personal thoughts 25:00

Why I stopped doing the docs, and why I started exploring other perspectives 25:30

Why I am restarting the CIA docs 26:51

Outro, questions, topic requests 27:51

Analysis and assessment of the gateway process https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/...

Missing page 25: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QI-k...

Foia website https://www.foia.gov/

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