Fitness & Sushi podcast

[The Ideal Body Formula Series] Relationship with Exercise

15 Sekunden vorwärts
15 Sekunden vorwärts

The standard exercise prescription is strength training and cardio.

But like most things with your health and fitness, knowing what might be good for you doesn't always translate into you actually doing it.

When it comes to exercise, there are many issues people struggle with...

  • doing exercise they don't enjoy
  • seeing exercise as a way to burn calories
  • using exercise to make up for (or preempt) poor eating
  • pushing workouts too hard (or not resting enough)
  • not having the motivation to do them
  • skipping workouts too often

... the list goes on.

There's a reason for this - you have a broken relationship with exercise.

Healing this relationship will do wonders for your health and fitness.

You'll always be drawn to working out. Your workouts will be much more enjoyable. And you will achieve your Ideal Body.

In day 4 of The Ideal Body Formula Series Deanna and I are diving deep into your relationship with your exercise.

Side note: Don't forget to sign up for the free Ideal Body Challenge later this month. We're going to be putting everything we talk about into practice. Sign up here.

In today's episode - "Relationship with Exercise", you'll learn...

🔶What to do if you find yourself avoiding exercise

🔶The most important criteria for choosing effecting exercise

🔶Why you don't have to push to exhaustion for your workout to be effective

🔶How to make it easy to want to move your body

🔶The limiting beliefs you have surrounding exercise that make it hard to stay motivated

…and much more!

So check the episode out. If you like it be sure to subscribe to the show and give it a 5 star rating and review ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

To listen just click on Apple Podcasts or Spotify below. Or go to your favorite podcast player and search for “Fitness & Sushi”. You can also download the episode by clicking the 3rd button down…





When you’re ready, here are more ways we can help you…

1) Read Tony’s Book for Free

His new book - The Ideal Body Formula: How to Ditch Diet Culture and Achieve the NEW Ideal Body, is available for you to read 100% free. Click here to read it. Or, you can purchase it in paperback and Kindle versions on Amazon.

2) Join Our Free Built Daily Facebook Group

Get further strategies and inspiration to help you overcome your health and fitness struggles. Click here to join.

3) Schedule Your Free Breakthrough Call

This is a free call designed to help you overcome your struggles and get you on track to achieving your healthiest weight. Schedule your call here.

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