Inspire Mandarin podcast

S1E28 US suffers bubble tea drought?

15 Sekunden vorwärts
15 Sekunden vorwärts

In this episode, we’re going to look into a piece of interesting news talking about how people reacted when the raw material shipment for bubble tea shops in the US got stuck in port.


Words for today:

珍珠 pearl

缺貨 out of stock

飲料店 beverage shop

崩潰 mental breakdown

製作 make

卡住了 stuck

港口 port

海關 customs

麻煩 troublesome

顧客 customer

根本 fundamentally

耐心 patience

畢竟 after all

原物料 raw material

短缺 shortage

暫時的 temporary

情況 situation

疫情 epidemic

原因 reason


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