WT Legacy Podcast podcast

Interview w/ Pastor Tai Adeshugba

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Pastor Tai Adeshugba is the Senior Pastor of Worship Tabernacle, a church which is situated in The Citadel, Archway, North London.  Tai is known as a motivational and prophetic teacher in his delivery of the gospel to the body of Christ.  He has a prophetic mandate to shape the lives of God’s people and give them the Word to enable them to fulfil their dreams.  This mandate compels him to challenge the Body of Christ to assume their position of authority and influence in every facet of life.

Tai’s message of hope, determination and self-belief provides a platform to effect positive change in their environment. Before founding Worship Tabernacle, Tai worked as an IT Manager/Consultant for organisations such as Lucent and Microsoft.  He holds various degrees in Computer and Project Management.  Tai also majors in developing and teaching Music.



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