TheStaticTraveller podcast

The Static Traveller & Dontforget2move (notsobonvoyage)

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This week's travellers on the podcast is the dynamic duo behind Don’t Forget To Move! full-time travel bloggers, exploring the most gorgeous locations around the world and sharing their experiences with you along the way.


Listen to Jules & Christine's story about how they met in the most unlikely of places, under the most unlikely circumstances. Long before their blog was even a concept, they were just two solo travelers on the road looking for adventure. Jules from Melbourne, Australia and Christine from San Francisco, USA.

In early 2012, they first met while volunteering at a non-profit in Pisco, Peru. After a brief friendship their relationship quickly turned more serious and they ended up spending 6 months in Peru volunteering together, building houses that were unfortunately destroyed by a massive earthquake.


Listen as they discuss their favorite travel memories and take us on a road trip to Spain, they tell me about how they took their blog from average to an award winning travel blog.  


They also discuss their favorite place they have traveled to and take on the travel couple how well do you know your travel partner quiz, will we have new leaders? listen and find out.


This episode is not one you will want to miss, so listen and remember to subscribe to the static traveller podcast. 

You can also follow The Static Traveller podcast on Facebook and Instagram and subscribe on every major podcast platform, the Interviews are also available on The Static Traveller Youtube channel.


***** Podcast Social Media *****

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Check out my Instagram page on the link below remember and hit that follow button, also if you want to share a picture of your travels tag me @The_static_taveller


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Also Available wherever you find/listen to your podcasts.

Breaker, Google Podcasts, RadioPublic, Stitcher, Castbox & many more.


You can also see all of the latest posts from @Dontforget2move & listen to thier travel podcast @notsobonvoyage on the links below, you can follow them on Instagram, check out their Blogs and websites.

Instagram - Notsobonvoyage(Podcast) -

Instagram -  Dontforget2move -

Blog/website -

podcast/website -


Music by - @Ikson

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