The STOL Collective podcast

#S2 E2 - It´s all about Harmonics with Zane Jacobson from

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''Just when I convinced myself that this was basically a Super Cub with an overhead engine, the out of sync harmonics of the props winding down begin to create that distinct: ... THAT SOUND!" - Zane Jacobson in "THE PROTOTYPE"

Zane Jacobson is the founder/editor of Backcountry Pilot and currently flies a tailwheel Piper PA-22 Pacer around his newly adopted home area of Eveleth, Minnesota - USA. An Oregon native and former avid dirt bike rider, he has been a pilot for the better part of 25 years. Father of two young girls, he enjoys writing and producing articles and short films about anything to do with backcountry and bush flying, and makes baby steps on the build of his 4-place Bearhawk when time allows.

In this episode, Zane Jacobson shares with us his family roots which got him into flying, how the idea came to launch⁠ in late 2004 as an alternative to the many type-specific forums that were already popular at the time, his wish even right after getting is PPL to transcend the type focus forums and unite pilots' common interest in backcountry and bush flying, how he found his passion for film making unlike vlogging by bringing a more cinematographic touch to backcountry aviation videos, his passion for music and building synthesisers and many stories from past expeditions.

If you want to discover more content about Zane, go checkout this episode's page on our website:

Obviously don’t forget to visit Zane’s as well as watch his awesome videos on

Music credits: “Slowly”, Amon Tobin – Supermodified, 2000

Cover picture: Zane Jacobson - Backcountry Pilot

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