The Primal Presenter podcast

#010: The Primal Presenter Knows How to Start a Presentation

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In this episode, we are going to be discussing the best ways to start any presentation.

Let's face it. We live in a world full of judges. The sad reality: you are going to judged during your next presentation. Your audience is going to evaluate how you dress, how you talk, how your slides look, and they will put a lot of weight into your first and last impression. All of it matters, and if we had more time we would tackle each of these items one-by-one. However, since our time is short, we'll chip away at them in small chunks. With that said, we'll focus on the first and last impression piece this week and next week and then go from there. So, let's jump into it by tackling how to make a great first impression.

It starts with knowing how to open your presentation. First impressions absolutely matter, and you want to mitigate any unnecessary judgment that will be placed upon you. You can minimize this damage by starting your presentation properly.

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