The Flick Lab podcast

#189 - Alien 3 (1992) Film Analysis - Director David Fincher's Nightmare

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Alien 3 was a nightmare production for the first-time feature director David Fincher. As the young master was trying to put together the best film he could under the circumstances, the studio and even scriptwriters kept interfering with his attempts at applying his vision to a material that he had only few weeks to mull over before shooting had to begin. This combined with onset antics and disagreements between actors. What came out keeps splitting the fan base to this day. Is Alien 3 actually a much better film than its reputation?

Films covered in this episode:
Alien 3 (1992)

Hosted by Karri Ojala and Henrik Telkki. Edited by Karri Ojala. The Flick Lab theme tune performed by Nick Grivell.

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