The Entrepreneur Playground podcast

#19 The Spark Initiative

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This week, I was joined by two incredible women that are living my dream. Brooke Wheeldon-Reece and Ashley Hunt are the core members of The SPARK Initiative, which is a non-profit organization based out of Tampa, Florida. Their mission is to look at an understanding of the mind that is very simple and looking at our natural resilience as opposed to something you must build up. They support their community through education, mentoring, and coaching. They focus on the at-risk community and help many different people in their community. 

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It is really important when we are working with youth and in jails. We go in and include so many activities that get them excited to learn about how the mind works. It's no longer I'm going to stand here and teach you something. It's an exchange between us. We are teaching them and they are going to teach us just as much. 

When you have a calm mind everything works better. There was this idea that having a calm mind you have to be quiet. That's really not the case. There's a difference between a calm mind and yourself being calm. You can have a calm mind and be playing football. 

Having a calm mind almost brings you back to that child-like state. If you truly have a calm mind you have more fun. 

You can be running with a still mind. I thought you had to be still to have a still mind. 

We got real serious about marketing and sales. It was the worst year we had. We were not paying attention to state of mind. We were following all the books and experts, but that was the only year in 7 years we didn't move forward. That year we were teaching this, but we were not living it.

People tend to believe business is serious. You can prepare, but take that preparation lightly. The more serious I am about something the more I know I don't have a still mind. The more I know I'm in my head. The more life isn't just flowing through me. 

We were serious because we had a lot of money riding on it. We had donators that donated to do this whole plan. It looked high stakes. Because we weren't in the feeling of free flow, ease, being able to play, and test things out and have fun. It was so high stakes in our mind nothing flowed. It just kept stalling. 

We teach about you have a Spark inside that will guide it you. It has your back 100% of the time. Follow it listen to it. 

When we stalled I realized I wasn't listening to my own Spark. Yet we were teaching others to listen to their spark. If I trust what comes to me or if I trust my team members that has gotten us so far. Everyone is comfortable to share their ideas or try their ideas. There is permission to be way more creative.

You don't work as well when you're frustrated, angry, annoyed or scared to share your ideas. 

We are in the human connection business. We are not reading a script. 

Words will come through me not from me. Just with a trust that is how life works. Not just when you are really good or something that's just how it happens. When you really trust that it's way easier to just allow life to come through you. 

We could still do our job, but everyone still had fun. 

It's not trying to be in a better state of mind, it's just recognizing. If I'm in a really crappy mood I can recognize I can do something different. It's not that I'm happy and chill all the time. It's me understanding where it's coming from. Knowing it won't last is huge. 

If I followed that rabbit trail of what if's then I was not being present to what is here now. 

Find our more about the SPARK Initiative here:

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