The Dad Train podcast

Redefining Fatherhood For The Modern Dad, with Jeremy Macvean

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The culture of fatherhood is undergoing a transformation. Dads today spend three times as many hours with their kids as they did in the 1960s. And traditional gender roles are being reinvented in incredible ways. 

Whilst this puts greater demands on fathers, it also presents a golden opportunity for dads to redefine the concept of a modern dad. 

Jeremy Macvean is co-founder of The-Father-Hood, an online business that offers support, advice and inspiration for dads.

As a single father of three girls, Jeremy understands some of the unique challenges and opportunities of the modern dad. 

In this interview, he shares the story behind The-Father-Hood, discusses some key issues faced by dads and explains why the workplace is an important environment to harness the changing culture of fatherhood. 

What you’ll learn

  • The story behind 
  • How the culture of fatherhood has changed in one generation
  • How Australia compares to the rest of the world
  • How organisations can help support the changing landscape for fathers
  • Reasons why men don’t take advantage of parental leave options
  • Which topics are dads engaging with
  • Jeremy’s experience raising three girls 
  • The importance of self-care for dads
  • How to manage separation and divorce as a father
  • How Matt Damon and Chris Hemsworth inspired The Father Hood book.

More information

Show notes and  links to the resources mentioned in this interview are available at

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