The 3x5 Leadership Podcast podcast

#19 Delegate Better

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Welcome to the 3x5 Leadership Podcast where we champion intentional leaders to create significant impacts. This show aims to offer simple, practical strategies to help you live, lead, and learn more intentionally. You can listen to the episode on Apple, Google, or Spotify!

I wish I had more time… So goes the typical lamentation of every leader, in every job, every week. Yet, all the while we complain about our lack of time, we simultaneously fail to delegate tasks and responsibilities down to our people. We are left bearing the burden of tasks while our people remain unburdened and unbothered. Why?

Leaders need to understand delegation and actually put it to use. It improves our capacity to focus on the things only we can do. It improves organizational effectiveness. And it enables the development of our people – growing their abilities, self-sufficiency, and potential for greater responsibility in the future.

Delegation is too important to ignore or do poorly. So, this week, let’s explore delegation – what it is, why it matters, and simple strategies we can implement now to tap into its powerful effects.

We encourage you to check out this week’s new episode. We believe it will be well worth your time, ultimately helping you to lead more intentionally this week. If you find it helpful, share it with a friend or colleague too.

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Until next episode, friends, take care and lead well.

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