Tensing Talking Spatial podcast

Jack Dangermond (Esri) talking about GIS as the intelligent nervous system for the planet

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Dave Laurier travels to Palm Springs, USA and speaks with Jack Dangermond. Jack is the co-founder, together with Laura Dangermond, of the Environmental Systems Research Institute (Esri), a privately held Geographic Information Systems (GIS) software company.

Together they talk about the world's challenges today which are big and complex and the GIS acting as the intelligent nervous system for the planet can help solve those challenges.

For more information about Dave Laurier or Avineon-Tensing please visit our corporate website at https://www.tensing.com  or read the blog about this episode (Dutch)  at https://www.tensing.com/blog/talking-spatial-gis-als-ruimtelijk-zenuwstelsel 

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