Leaving the cozy home of Tom Bombagaston behind the Hobbits continue on their quest. However, when they discover a mysterious castle, they are lured off the road by the promise of a feast. Unfortunately, they may get more than they bargained for when they sit down to eat at this particular table. Being a guest is sometimes a perilous affair.
Super Magic Force Wars: Fanfiction Crossover Spectacular is a madcap adventure parody podcast by M.J.Miello that weaves together many of the greatest characters and storylines from pop culture. But there is a catch! Every character is (or will become) a dual character, combining the traits, attributes, and powers from two (or sometimes more) of some of the most popular characters from fantasy fiction and science fiction including characters from Lord of the Rings, the Marvel MCU, Star Wars, X-Men, and Harry Potter to name but a few. Bonus content at SuperMagicForceWars.com.
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