Stars End: A Foundation Podcast podcast

Stars End S5E15 - There is Only One Reason Why a Synapsifier Can Possibly Be Used - To Improve a Podcast

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Here's your chance to join the discussion about Pebble in the Sky, Chapters 7 through 13! Also, we'll open up the Stars End Mailbag and talk about Star Trek: Discovery!

A lot of us who are past the point where we would be culled by the 60 take supplements to, theoretically, help improve our memory. Just the other day I couldn't remember the title of the Star Trek episode "Return to Tomorrow." That was no fun. I think most of us would like to be at least a little smarter and maybe some of what would come from a device like the synapsifier could be helpful.

I'll pass on the parts about being lost in the department store, wandering about the automat, or being driven mad by the thoughts of strangers. Those don't sound fun either. "Lost in the Supermarket" by the Clash might sum up all of these potential side effects.

It would though, improve a podcast, to a point. Remembering what we want to say would help quite a bit. And having perfect recall would save a lot of note-taking. But telepathic communications would ruin things even with state-of-the-art recording equipment unless an hour of silence would be an improvement.

In the meantime, we'll muddle through and bring you the best podcast possible with regular brains and imperfect memory!

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