Squares that Cube podcast

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This week two of the Squares truly rant and ramble away, so call this episode what ever you would like it to be.

“Squares that Cube” is a multi dimensional podcast where we rant and ramble about the Magic the Gathing Cube Format. The cast is located around the Portland Oregon area and works to promote cube all throughout the PNW.

In the Portland Oregon area or visting? Join us for cube drafts at Wayward Games in Vancouver WA, Mondays at 6pm.

Contact our show at: Squaresthatcube@gmail.com

Join the PNW Cube FB Community at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/pnwdrafts

Join the PNW Cube Discord Server at: https://discord.gg/Z3qVKAvET9

Alex's Cubecobra Link: https://cubecobra.com/user/view/5f02257c71f25e1016fc83ec

Jessie’s Cube Link: https://cubecobra.com/cube/overview/dizcube

Ryan’s Cube Link: https://cubecobra.com/cube/overview/92800e66-9aa0-41b3-9ebb-10dcf185dd45
Upcoming Event Links:
Madison Cube Con Website
Sept. 13 Board Bard Draft

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