Sex, Love & Liberation podcast

EP. 4 - 10 days of silent meditation with Sanya Minocha

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I completed my first Vipassana - a 10-day silent meditation “retreat” - last October, which was one of the most challenging & profound experiences of my life.

I’m joined on air by my dear friend, Sanya Minocha, where we talk about:

- What is Vipassana?

- Our Vipassana experiences

- Lessons learnt through practising this ancient meditation technique

- Desires, a source of aliveness or creator of misery?

Sanya is a Wellbeing Coach & Holistic Counsellor who teaches individuals the art of tuning into their innate wisdom to create a life that feels truly satisfying and reflective of their innermost desires.

Shout out to my sister, the stunning Lou'ana who you heard singing her song 'Eye to Eye' in the intro & outro.

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