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#159. Should you use a traditional, waterfall approach to build Power Platform apps?

In this episode, I break down six situations when you might be tempted to use a waterfall method and share my thoughts on whether that's really the best approach.


00:11 Everyone should try waterfall at least once.

02:18 When to adopt a waterfall approach

02:53 #1 Predictable and well-defined requirements

04:19 #2 Regulated industries

05:49 #3 Fixed-price contracts

06:59 #4 Small or simple projects

08:02 #5 No agile experience

08:59 #6 Lots of dependencies

10:09 Recap `


  • Estimating Agile Business Apps: learn how to quickly, accurately and confidently estimate how long it'll take and how much it'll cost to build your Power Platform or Dynamics 365 app.
  • Cynefin Model: learn how to approach different problems from simple to complex.
  • Successful Scrum for Microsoft Business Apps: learn the Scrum framework, prepare for certification and discover my proven practices for successfully applying Scrum for Dynamics 365 and Power Platform.
  • Team Topologies: Matthew Skelton discusses how different team topologies can reduce the impact of dependencies across an organisation.

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