Science Will Win podcast

Part 4 – New Frontiers in AI & Drug Discovery

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So far in this season, we’ve explored how innovations throughout history have brought us to where we are now. We talked about how drug discovery changed from a serendipity-based to data-based endeavor. Then, we explored the powerful hardware and smart software required to accommodate big data. Now, the door to the future of AI in drug discovery is open. In our final episode, we’re looking toward the future, to understand where today’s advancements could potentially take us.

Featured Guests:
–Charlotte Allerton, Head of Preclinical and Translational Sciences at Pfizer
–Daniel Ziemek, Vice President of Integrative Biology and Systems Immunology at Pfizer
–Enoch Huang, Head of Machine Learning and Computational Sciences at Pfizer
–Dr. Raza Ali, group leader at the University of Cambridge Cancer Research UK Institute, pathologist

Season 4 of Science Will Win is created by Pfizer and hosted by Jeremiah Owyang, entrepreneur, investor, and tech industry analyst. It’s produced by Wonder Media Network.

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