Are you a new witch or thinking about becoming one? Today we are going to talk about some things we wish we knew before becoming a witch.
1. The power of intention.
Wayne w Dyer said. "You create your thoughts, your thoughts create your intentions, and your intentions create your reality." Your intentions are the foundation of your reality so it's important to be clear about the desires you are projecting that you want to experience. When you understand and are aware of the power of intention you can begin creating the world that you desire to experience. If you are confused on how to set your intentions; it's a very simple process: state what you desire and act on it in any way you can. Remind yourself of your intention repeatedly; writing it down or creating a vision board are both powerful tools to help you constantly be reminded of your desires.
Q. What past intentions are you currently living and how did you ensure its manifestation?
2. Nothing is good or bad
I wish I would have understood that nothing is good and nothing is bad. Everything just is. When we make a judgment of something is when we put the label of good or bad, righteous or evil, Holy or unholy. All of these are just perceptions based on the life you live, the community you are a part of and what you have learned from family and friends.
Q. Have you ever done something that was considered bad to someone but good to you or vice versa?
3. Words are spells
Growing up I didn't realize the power behind my words and thoughts. Words are powerful and we have the ability to speak the reality we want. Not only do we have this ability, we practice it all the time. If you look around you can find evidence of things and situations you’ve spoken into existence. Having awareness of how powerful your words gives you the opportunity to speak life into your trust desires.
Q. What have you spoken into existence before you understood the power of your words?
4. How you practice is personal
Not every witch is the same and there is no correct way to practice witchcraft. The correct way is your way and anyone who tells you differently is taking away your power. Trust yourself, you have the answers within. There are many resources and people who are great mentors but even the greatest mentor will tell you the power is within you, trust yourself and move accordingly.
Q. How do you practice your craft?
5. There are many types of witches
6. Trusting yourself
Trusting yourself is the key to being a Witch. Trust is where your power comes from. There is a verse in the bible that says if you have the faith of a mustard seed you can move mountains meaning if you have faith and trust in yourself you have the power to face any obstacle.
Q. Do you fully trust yourself? Why or why not?
7. How to take back your own power
The best way to take back your power is to trust yourself first and listen to your intuition. In life we give our power to so many people because we believe they are better than us in some way. This could be your parents, teachers, bosses, and friends.
Q. How do you take back your power?
8. The secret to manifestation.
Is there a secret to manifestation?
A lot of people don't understand the process of manifestation but it's really simple. Faith+Works=Manifestation but there are some secrets that every practitioner uses that makes their manifestations happen faster. Sage and I will share a secret or 2 that we use when manifesting.
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