Regulatory Ramblings podcast

Digital Currencies and Public Law

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Ep #49 with Dr. Andrew Mazen Dahdal, College of Law, Qatar University

Dr. Andrew Mazen Dahdal is an associate professor at the College of Law at Qatar University in Doha. He received his Ph.D. from the University of New South Wales, where he received an outstanding achievement award in 2014 for his dissertation on the necessity of historical analysis in constitutional interpretation.
Andrew has also taught constitutional and commercial law within Australia and Europe in both fulltime and adjunct roles. Writing on law, technology and global legal frameworks, Andrew is now focused on exploring the intersections between private and public law specifically by exploring the technocratic connections between constitutional and commercial legal frameworks.
This episode of Regulatory Ramblings features a discussion on his upcoming book entitled Digital Currencies and Public Law: History, Constitutionalism and the Revolutionary Nature of Money. In it he advocates for deeper engagement by public lawyers in digital currency developments which threaten dramatic changes in the relationship between individuals and government authorities.
As Andrew shares with our host, Ajay Shamdasani, no modern issue is more widely acknowledged and less understood than that of digital currencies. The voice of constitutional scholars, however, is crucially missing from prevailing digital money conversation. For example, private law scholars are grappling with the legal questions raised by digital currency models in property and contract. Alternatively, public law scholars have yet to appreciate the significance of the moment.

Andrew argues that the challenge of understanding the technical dimensions of digital money innovations has obscured the potential constitutional revolution that digital currencies represent. His book starts with the premise that ‘money’ is best thought of as a constitutional phenomenon. When seen in that light, it becomes clear that changes in the nature of money represent changes in political and constitutional arrangements.

The discussion elaborates on how and why that is so by examining episodes in history where the nature of money was linked to renewed constitutional settlements. The book distills a core set of principles linking aspects of monetary innovation such as technical control of the money supply to constitutional positions such as executive fiscal accountability. From such principles, a conceptual framework is proposed that translates the specific attributes of digital currency proposals into the language of constitutional dynamics.

Andrew also recounts what it was about digital currencies that initially piqued his curiosity as a constitutional scholar and ultimately, what compelled him to write the book. He also shares his thoughts on what he feels the book adds to an already crowded market place on the subject matter.

He concludes by saying that cryptocurrencies and virtual assets herald an opportunity for wholesale constitutional reform the world has yet to see. Andrew notes that certainly when it arrived on the scene and its most ardent advocates were anti-statist, anarcho-libertarians – and even to some extent today – the rise of Bitcoin and digital assets writ large can be scene as a political movement in search of an ideology.
Looking back on the development of money, Andrew said, every fiat currency has been a form of money, albeit stripped of its intrinsic value. Moving forward, he said, there was no way to have a robust conversation about money and digital change without interrogating competing monetary forms.

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