It has been a hugely gratifying and humbling experience to get the chance to set up the Longcovid Service for Berkshire and work with a great team from primary and community care. It has been 7 months now and we are still learning everyday about the condition of Longcovid and how it seems to affeect multiple systems. Right now we continue to offer them support, a listening ear, appropriate testing and treatments where available in a trauma informed manner.
In this episode, I speak to Dr Sabina Brennan. a clinical psychologist, neuroscientist, fellow podcaster and best selling author of the book on how to beat Brain Fog.
As we know, Brain fog and congitive dysfunction is one of the most common sysmptoms noted in Longcovid. Treatments are still emerging and I thought it would be a fascianting and hugely useful idea to hear it from a researcher and scientist and someone with lived exeperience herself on how to overcome this.
This is a cracking epsidoe and in fact I had to break it up into 2 epsidodes. I hope you enjoy the show.
A little bit more about Dr Sabina Brennan is available below
Sabina Brennan (PhD., C.Psychol.,PsSI.)
Dr Sabina Brennan is a psychologist, neuroscientist, speaker, host of the Super Brain podcast and author of two Irish Times No 1 best sellers (100 Days to a Younger Brain (2019) and Beating Brain Fog (2021). Sabina is on a mission to get people to look after their brain health as routinely as they look after their dental health.
Her public engagement projects, which include quirky animations and brain health websites aim to increase the societal impact of scientific research by translating complex content into easy-to-understand resources for general audiences. Her animations have been viewed in more than 140 countries and have been translated into 15 languages.
How to get in touch: www.superbrain.ie includes links to books, podcast and free online resources
Super Brain Podcast play.acast.com/s/superbrain
twitter @Sabina_Brennan Instagram @SabinaBrennan
Please provide a feedback and comments on the podcast and any questions that
Please provide a feedback and comments on the podcast and any questions that you may have.
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The Pain Speak podcast is presented by Prof Deepak Ravindran, a NHS Consultant specialising in Pain and Lifestyle Medicine. Dr Ravindran is also the author of the book, 'The Pain Free Mindset'
Get in touch:
Twitter: @deepakravindra5
Instagram: drdeepakravindran
Website: www.deepakravindran.co.uk
Linktree: https://linktr.ee/DrDeepakRavindran
Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@drdeepakravindran5361
Order a copy of the Pain Free Mindset here
For Season 1:
Mixed and edited by Rob Cao at https://dynamiqgroup.co.uk/
Huge Thanks to the The Podcast Coach at www.thepodcastcoach.co.uk
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