News In Context podcast

The WNBA and the History of Women’s Professional Basketball with Sarah Fields

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In this episode, we explore the recent history of women’s sports, particularly basketball, in college and professionally -including in the 90’s, when the first women’s professional league was established - the American Basketball League or ABL, followed closely by the WNBA.

With increased attention and interest on women’s college basketball, and an acknowledgement of the high level of play and skill, the hope is that women’s basketball, soccer, and other sports, will get the attention and fan base they have deserved for years.

But women’s sports have been in the spotlight before. How is this moment similar, and different, to what we have seen in the past.

My guest is Sarah Fields, Professor of Communication at the University of Colorado, Denver; and President of the North American Society for Sport History.

(photo courtesy Tulane Public Relations)

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