MicroFamous Conversations podcast

Brad Farris on Masterminds, Peer Learning & Breaking Limiting Beliefs in Your Clients

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In coaching and consulting, we quickly discover that the biggest hurdles to success are internal. We see the effect that limiting beliefs have on our clients’ ability to implement the strategies, tactics and advice that will get them what they want.  

Getting better results requires our clients to change what they do and what they believe about what they do. It’s very hard to create any meaningful change if they are still clinging to the wrong set of beliefs. Our marketing and the system we use to help them get results need to address those beliefs. 

What are the most common limiting beliefs our clients have? How do we get them to buy into the Point of View that will get them results? 

In this episode, I’m joined by agency coach, speaker, trainer and founder of Anchor Advisors, Brad Farris. He shares how he deals with client limiting beliefs at different stages of the client relationship. We also discuss the methods Brad has used to become MicroFamous in his space, and the importance of data in our businesses. 

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