Life On Earth Podcast podcast

Overwhelmed? How to Navigate Chaos and Find Inner Peace + Yoga Nidra

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Our hearts are with everyone in Los Angeles and across the world who are navigating loss or instability during these difficult times. We hope this episode brings light, peace, and comfort to your life.

In this episode of Life on Earth Podcast, Nathalie shares her tools and perspectives for managing chaos and overwhelm, offering valuable insights to guide you in finding grounding amidst challenging circumstances.

As a special gift to our listeners, this episode features a deeply relaxing 20-minute Yoga Nidra practice to cultivate calm, recharge, and restore balance.

If you'd like to dive straight into the Yoga Nidra practice, it begins around the 20-minute mark of this episode.

Thank you for being part of our Life on Earth community. We hope this episode inspires peace, connection, and renewal in your life.

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Nathalie Croix & Life On Earth Podcast Team

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